Arunima’s Journey for “SparcRoamers Let’s Roam”

“She never thought to be an entrepreneur even in her dreams. She never thought that she would build up her own company ever. When she was of 22 yrs, her dream was to get a pristine job in the corporate world and she got the opportunity when she completed her master. She started working with one of the leading telecom company and felt proud that she has achieved what she was dreaming of. She did her level best to survive and grow in this organization starting from doing an MBA to working till late hours to going to the office on a Sunday and what not. Still, she was immensely happy and satisfied just because of only one reason and that is she used to love her job.
It took her 12 long years to realize that all that she was doing so far was actually not for her benefit but for someone else. It took her 12 long years to realize that it’s not her who is important for the company or her boss, it’s the position, the designation, the post that matters the most. The company would not take even 12 mins to fire her if she somehow fail to meet up their expectation for 12 days, forget about what she has contributed for the last 12 yrs. She understood that she is trapped. But, just realizing the fact doesn’t help until you find another way to come out of this trap. Fortunately, it didn’t take much time for her to get a way out. All of a sudden one fine morning she got a call from her brother Mr. Avik Roy Choudhury that he along with his wife Mrs. Sonali Roy Choudhury want to start a business and wants her and her husband Mr. Subhojit Poddar join the venture.
Almost for all people, it’s easy to say we want to change the way it’s going but doing it practically is the hardest decision to make and she was not an exception. The biggest challenge for her and her husband was to gather the courage to take the first step. All these years have made them a complete safe player, they forgot that the word “RISK” does exist. They forgot that she won’t get to see any gain if she hesitate to bear the pain. She didn’t at all notice that she has already taken the biggest risk of her life to work in a company for so many years without realizing the true character, uncertainty and harsh reality of this so-called corporate world. She and her husband finally said yes to the idea and started the process of execution. One by one they all resigned from their ongoing job and after a few weeks and a lot of hassles they finally created their own company in a small office space with a positive mindset in Jan’2017. They four categorized their department according to their skillset that each one of them has, the work got started and they initiated the tie-up process with hoteliers/vendors/suppliers and at the same time creating their own clientele. Initially, the journey was pretty rough and their biggest challenge was to gain trust in the market.
But, with time, hard work and strong promotional strategies, they achieved a healthy client base in a year’s time. Since then, they have set up two offices, one is in New Delhi and another is in Goa. They are majorly into designing holiday packages for domestic and outbound. They provide end to end service to our client. The biggest USP & strength of their company is “24*7 Service” and they literally mean that, if their client gets into any trouble even at 2 in the morning, they are just a call away. They believe that it’s the after sale service that helps an organization to survive and grow in the market rather than focusing just on number of sales which majority of the companies do in the travel industry. Amongst all the destinations that they cover their major contributor to ROI is Goa. Their market penetration in Goa is very strong, the reason why 75% of their ROI is backed up by Goa packages only. Recently they have started on-boarding channel partners from different cities and their mission is to be a Destination Management Company for Goa by 2020.
Now they don’t get their salary on 30th of every month, they don’t go to after work parties, they don’t remember the last movie they watched, they don’t get time to meet up with their friends at weekends, sacrificing all these petty things doesn’t make them feel bad for a single moment as in return they have got the biggest feeling which is satisfaction. The feeling of satisfaction of creating their own entity and seeing it growing every day is the best feeling in this world.
Certainly, it has not been and never would be easy as the word SUCCESS is directly proportional to the word TOUGH in the journey called LIFE.