BOATJUMP; the platform that has done more than 10 million euros in sales

This rental boat portal offers more than 16,000 boats in 750 ports.
50% of the charters come from outside of Spain
In Valencia the 10th of December 2019. By going on Boatjump, the online platform for chartering boats, more than 15,000 users have navigated for a total amount of over 10 million euros since the founding of the business in 2016. The company has duplicated its revenue yearly and projects to continue this progression in the next fiscal years as well.
In only three years this startup has achieved an international focus, with more than 50% of its charters coming from outside of Spain, more specifically clients from 38 different countries have used this tool to manage their boat vacations. Furthermore, Boatjump has been able to consolidate its presence in the United States, where they have their own local office in Miami.
Currently, the platform offers on the website more than 16,000 boats in 750 ports all around the world. Thanks to the technology that has been developed, this startup is able to offer real live-time availability, along with videos, pictures and recommendations for thousands of vessels, creating a use that is transparent and easy and which has convinced more than 15,000 clients to come aboard.
“We always listen to the client, whom is the one that has directed us towards opting for the combination of technology with a personalized service that is given before, during, and after the charter,” states Jaime Vara, the CEO and co-founder of this company.
With a team of more than 30 professionals of 8 different nationalities, Boatjump has its headquarters office in Valencia, in the Marina of Business, which is the personal investment of entrepreneur and business owner Juan Roig, to foment the ecosystem of entrepreneurship which is linked to Lanzadera and investment by Business Angels.
Among its goals for 2020, this business seeks to consolidate its presence in destinations such as Croatia, the Greek Islands, and Turkey. “Recreational sailing is at its peak, due to both the number of boat registrations and the volume of charters. Have a day experience on a boat, let it be with friends or family, is a unique experience and the price per person is more competitive in comparison to other types of activities,” indicates Jaime Vara.
About Boatjump
Boatjump was created by Jaime Vara, Alfonso Pastrana and Pablo Ruibal 3 years ago in Mallorca. This online platform to rent boats has put the focus on offering an easy and intuitive tool through which you can search for, compare and reserve a boat in any of the main sailing destinations around the world.
The business is part of the investment portfolio of various specialized funds for startups, between those of which are highlighted Angels, Venture Capital, Athos Capital, Bbooster Ventures, Aurorial (PC Components), amongst other business angels.
About Angels / Marina de Empresas
Angels Capital forms part of the entrepreneurship hub in the Marina de Empresas, along with EDEM Bussiness School, and the incubator/accelerator of startups, Lanzadera. These three entities located in the Marina de Empresas are part of Juan Roig’s initiative that has the mission to educate, advise, and finance current and future entrepreneurs while also making a bet on the creation of wealth, employment and the fomentation of the entrepreneurial culture and spirit.
The goal of Angels is to invest in the leading entrepreneurs that are developing sustainable businesses. They offer a management model that is based on the Modelo de Calidad Total, their network of contacts, and all of the necessary infrastructure to accompany the entrepreneur when he/she is situated in the Marina de Empresas installations. Since it began, Angels has invested more than 26 million euros in 22 businesses, which has generated more than 1,000 jobs. Currently there are 14 businesses that share in to Angel investment.
More information
Nombre: Pablo Ruibal
Phone number: 649 83 46 20