Indian Railways launches three online applications for all-India rollout to strengthen IT enablement of railways

The applications will help ensure proper monitoring of projects and boost vision of Digital India
Indian Railways launched three applications for all-India rollout to strengthen the IT enablement of railways which will help ensure proper monitoring of projects being undertaken by Indian Railways and will boost the vision of Digital India. The details and the salient features of these three applications are as under:
CRS Sanction Management System: CRS Sanction is an important aspect in construction, maintenance and up-gradation of railway assets. An online application for CRS Sanction Management has been developed in which all works pertaining to level crossings (closure, manning, shifting etc.) and minor bridges. Further modules under development in this application are increase of speed over Turnouts & Loop Lines, inspection of new lines and doubling etc. The benefits of the project are-
- Expeditious preparation and processing of cases for CRS Sanction.
- Effective monitoring of compliance of observations raised by the CRS.
- On-Line Repository of circulars/check-lists/guidelines related to CRS Sanction.
- Managerial reports to monitor the cases, comparative performance.
Rail-road crossing GAD approval system: This project for online e-Governance platform was developed by Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Road Transport & Highways to expedite preparation, processing & approval of General Agreement Drawings (GADs) related to construction of Road Over Bridges (ROB)/Road Under Bridges (RUB). It has been running successfully since 2014. Now, a module has been developed to cover cases of construction of ROBs/RUBs for States & UTs also. The benefits of the project are-
- Accountability of Railways and State Governments/UTs is fixed to each stage for approval of proposals.
- Better and real time coordination between the stakeholders (Railways/States).
- Facilitates users to get proposal status through mail and SMS at each stage.
- Complete proposal is targeted to be approved in maximum of 60 days.
- All information related to the proposal and contact person is available within the proposal.
TMS for construction: This application has been developed for new assets being constructed by the construction/project organisation. The assets master data can now be regularly filled during the stage of construction and completion of assets, by the construction officials before itself final scrutiny and test check by the open line officials. The benefits of the project are-
- Data validation at source.
- Ease in data entry and correction thereof.
- Easy checking/verification of data entry.
- For every data the ownership and responsibility is defined and fixed in the application design.