Journey Of Small Town Girl Anupama From Bihar


A small town in Bihar, India and a middle-class family background but extreme belief in hard work and determination is how Anupma Singh defines her roots. When she cleared class 10th, girls choosing to either become a doctor or a teacher. However, she decided to become an engineer like her dad. The town where she used to live was not safe for a girl to go for any engineering coaching without family escort. Since her father was not posted in town, she did not have any one to escort her. But ambitious that she was and always being a topper in her schools, sheer will power and with her parent’s belief in her, she cleared IIT JEE without any coaching and got into in IIT Kanpur. Anupma says, “Your success is a mind game. Once you see your success in your mind and believe on it, after that you have to just work to show the world the result.”

She has stellar corporate experience of 10+ year in IT and management. After her first baby, and demanding role in her career, she started debating whom she is justifying, her career or her baby? And that was the time she decided to have a balanced and happy life without compromising either her career or her baby. And that’s the way Anupma’s entrepreneur life began. Anupma used to keep wondering why people around her are in so much stress, tension, no clarity of future, uncertainty in their life. She started doing research on people and their mind. What she found was that this problem is more in youth of our country.

1 student suicide every hour – India has one of the world’s highest suicide rates for youth aged 15-29 years. Stress, unfulfilled aspirations, inability to cope with societal pressures are the key reasons.

82% students show high stress a week before exams. Anxiety, fear of consequences, peer pressure. 40% India is less than 20 years age.

65% Youth in age group 22-25 years age show signs of depression & sleep deprived. Main reasons: Lower income (55%), competition (24%), lower performance (21%), societal expectations.

1 Crore teens need active intervention for mental depression.

95% Startups close within 3 years. 20%+ are youth entrepreneurs in 18-24 year age.

The aspirational youth do not have access to high quality, simple and affordable tools to understand their life goals, discover their true potential and find path of success. Ambitious youth is stressed due to unfulfilled aspirations in their career & profession, entrepreneurship and life. They are unable to manage uncertainties, chaos and stress of daily life.These numbers disturbed her a lot and along with one of her friends, Sudip Bhattacharya she started thinking

How to create

  • Self-aware and self-actuated youth
  • Students equipped to manage life resources better
  • Youth working professionals with clear goals and focus to achieve
  • Increased success of youth entrepreneurs

They did thorough research and found that we humans have huge potential with in us, but unfortunately, we are not aware of it or have not explored these potentials. Keeping these in mind they have Founded JiyoFullest in March 2017.

JiyoFullest” is a personalized, coaching company specializing on technology driven, affordable coaching services for life and profession of students, young professionals and aspiring/early stage entrepreneurs.

Our comprehensive technology platform gives consumers a novel way to assess and define the help the users need. The platform enables ML & AI based psychometric assessment, appropriate coach selection, data analysis and data driven outcome measurement.

In just 18 months we have coached closed to 2000 youth. Our mission is to create 1M self-aware and self-actuated youth who can manage life resources better with no stress in their life.

The message which I want to pass it to our reader is that each one of us has HUGE potential. Let’s realize it and let’s Make India before we can Make In India. If each one of us can realize our potential, and utilize it we can contribute to India’s GDP in another direction.

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