Green Conclave by CII and Release of Hosur Business Directory successfully celebrated
In today’s age, where resources are limited and consumerism and consumption has increased rapidly, we need to stop and think before it’s too late. The time has come when we need to find the ways for sustainable society, Industry and nation for a greener tomorrow to save the planet for future generations.
To develop more sustainable societies, industries also need to better understand how to respond to environmental, economic and social challenges and transform industrial behavior. The basic objective of Green Conclave Program is to develop knowledge and tools that accelerate the transition towards a sustainable Industrial System.
With this agenda Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) successfully organised the Green Conclave Program in association with Hosur Industrial Association (HIA) today i.e 01st December 2018 at Sivaranjani Hotel, Hosur. The event was coupled with release of Hosur Business Directory.
Green Conclave Program aims at highlighting the importance of Green initiatives in protecting the earth and the environment. The Conclave brought together leaders who are inculcating and propagating green culture in their organizations.
10AM, the program was inaugurated by Mr. R. Rajagopalan, President of HIA joined by Mr. Arvind M Adhi, Treasurer and K Mohan, Vice President of the association.
“An event like this has never happened in Hosur. It is the pride of the association to be associated with CII and hope as well faith of the member. Event have knowledge session on green concept by eminent speakers across leading Industries from the segment followed by release of 7th edition of Business Directory,” Rajagopalan said.
Sendhil Velavan, Senior Manager-EMS Sales, Atandra Energy presented “The Industrial Energy Management System Market systematically capture the energy fluctuation and serves as the monitoring system to strategically improvise the energy efficiency. It provides the industrial energy managers to visualize the energy consumed throughout the enterprise including the manufacturing process and building operation. IEMS being increasingly adopted by organizations and manufacturing facilities for energy efficiency, optimizing energy consumption, utilizing dynamic pricing tariffs and demand control thus reducing overall costs in operating a facility. The IEMS includes all the actions that are planned and implemented to confirm minimum energy consumption for the current activities. When the IEMS is integrated with the already existing management systems, energy-intensive industries profit from a reduction in personnel, as well as in temporal and financial expenditure. Our solution is a cost effective, industry matured and well received across various leading companies.”
Renowned waste management practitioner N. Ramadoss emphasised the importance of waste management and it’s best practices framework. “India cannot be a dumping ground for junk and waste. It is a very serious issue. We should abide by our baseline to continue our commitment for the nature and safety,” he said.
The event was led by Hiran Prashanth, works on energy efficiency and climate change initiatives of CII – Godrej GBC. He is actively working with the buildings, data centers and iron & steel sectors in promoting the concept of “World Class Energy Efficiency”. He has been involved in several detailed energy audits and training programs on energy management across various industrial sectors like iron & steel, cement, pulp & paper, data centers, power plants, chemical, fertilizers, commercial buildings, textiles, aluminum etc..
Hiran Prashanth has also been involved in execution of various energy efficiency and climate change related projects with several national and international agencies such as USAID, World Bank, IFC, WRI, IIP, Shakti Foundation, KFW Bank, Bureau of Energy Efficiency. He demonstrated the important of water and energy conservation with ease of several examples.
Going green makes business sense, it helps shore up the triple bottom line — people, planet, and profits, N. Muthusezhiyan of CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre has said. Addressing on Green Conclave Program by CII Green Company Rating System — GreenCo — here on Saturday, he said companies have to quickly adapt themselves to the changing international business benchmarks.
“Internationally, companies are also looking at the green rating of the suppliers as a standard procedure. It is not enough to be energy efficient and or sequestering carbon credits, the companies have to follow a comprehensive system that includes product stewardship, life cycle assessment, among others. Soon, the companies will have to follow the benchmark as the government is likely to pass a law making it mandatory soon,” he explained.
The GreenCo provides a holistic framework to evaluate the ecological performance of a company. It aims at providing leadership and guidance to businesses on how to implement green strategies. The rating system evaluates green features of companies based on parameters that include energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy, greenhouse gas emission, waste management, material conservation, recycling and recyclability, green supply chain, product stewardship, life cycle assessment, and others such as ventilation, surroundings, site location, and innovation.
Underscoring the importance of commitment of the management in adopting green standards in the business, the rating gives 30 per cent weight to management commitment and 70 per cent to the results and impact.
Addressing the participants, Sri Kannan, Manager, SIDBI Hosur dwelt at length on the business strategies adopted by SIDBI in empowering the micro and small entrepreneur in particular, ways and means to address the financial and non-financial gaps in MSME eco-system, the different ways of financial support provided by SIDBI to MSMEs like Indirect/refinance to banks/ Financial Institutions for onward lending to MSMEs and direct finance in the niche areas like risk capital, sustainable finance, receivable financing, service sector financing, etc.
He also explained the SIDBI’s ‘Credit Plus’ approach, under which, besides credit, SIDBI supports enterprise development, skill up-gradation, marketing support, cluster development, technology modernization, etc, as part of its core efforts in growing the MSME sector.
Release of Hosur Business Directory was inaugurated by Honourable Minister P Bala Krishna Reddy, Youth Welfare & Sports Development; Dr. S Prabhakar, IAS, District Collector Krishnagiri; Ramesh Marri, Director, Biz-X; K Mohan, Vice President and Rajagopalan, President of Hosur Industrial Association.