Taiwan Connect -NCR I Business Opportunities Meetup


Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) and Confederation of Startupreneurs and Studentpreneurs (CSS), are units of Indian Centre for Social, Economic and Environmental Research. Confederation is a national business network of 4,700+ leading entrepreneurs. Founded in recent past by a group of young entrepreneurs, Confederation enables business owners to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life.

We educate, we transform, we inspire and we offer invaluable resources in the form of national events, leadership-development programs, an online entrepreneur forum and executive education opportunities, among other offerings designed for personal and professional growth.

At its core, Confederation is a collection of like-minded entrepreneurs focused on business growth, personal development and community engagement. In addition to our mission, vision and core values, our national makeup is comprised of nearly 4,700+ individual member stories.

Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in association with Taiwan Consulate & L-Incubator IIML will be hosting “Taiwan Connect- Business Opportunities Meetup” at at Auditorium, DMS, Delhi.

We would like to invite only those who are desirous of about importing / exporting / getting technology of products and services from or having a JV with a Taiwanese companies.

Thrust Areas for consideration (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises):

  • Manufacturing Sector including automotive ancillaries.
  • Textiles & Handlooms
  • Food including Processed Food Products
  • Information Technology
  • Machinery Manufacturers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Consumer Goods Manufacturers etc.,

This proposed Business Opportunities Meet shall be addressed by the CG of Taiwan.

Taking a step forward, the interested participants shall be invited to join a delegation to Taiwan ( At their own Cost).

The Government of Taiwan shall provide entire organizational support and opportunities to convert the meeting at Taiwan as a business opportunity to the delegates/organisations from India for exports and imports including signing of MOUs as appropriate.


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